but wait, there's more ...

Monday, November 22, 2010

Another for Julia Kay's Portrait Party

Dan for JKPP, pen, chalk and watercolor on paper, 26 x 36 cm

Another contribution to Julia Kay's Portrait Party., the Flickr group of near 400 artists who post photos of themselves and then proceed to draw and paint each other. Great fun. Great people.


  1. Buen retrato, Harry, con un solo color. Mucha expresividad en tus figuras, como siempre. Buen juego luz sombra. Me gusta.

  2. Mysterious....as always. I like that bright light/darkness

  3. a tough medium.....
    very well done!!

  4. You take colors that are supposed to be soothing and calming and make this intense, almost frightening portrait! You teach by sharing your work!

  5. Beautiful portrait.
    Beautiful light.
    Beautiful blue.
    You are also the club of feeling blue.

    A big hug.

  6. Hi Harry , I like as usual (:
    Must be fun to have such parties ,with all friendly painters and such exchanges of portraits (:
    a big hug

  7. Harry and my friends,
    I moved to a new residence
    And I'm very busy with
    Organisation of the new house and also my new studio.
    so I have no new work.
    back in December.

  8. Gracias, Manel. No he sido lo suficientemente bien para hacer la pintura más o recientemente blogs. Así que estaba contento de conseguir por lo menos esta pintura acuarela pequeño hecho, a pesar de la frescura del color que se mató a más de trabajo. Se parecía demasiado a la pintura por números para tener energía real. Ha sido increíble en su puesto fuera en los últimos meses!

  9. Hi Celeste. Afraid i haven't been up to doing a lot of painting lately (or blogging for that matter) so was glad to something, anything, done, even if it has turned out like a grumpy moon, lol.

  10. I love watercolor, JB. I love its quirky little ways and the beauty it so readily yields up if you talk to it nicely.

    Afraid this time i insulted it by 'painting by numbers', killing of its freshness. I hate just 'coloring in'. Never mind, at least i got brush on paper again.

  11. Rhonda, i started out wanting to do something dramatic but a bit lyrical but then it turned on me and said 'menacing' instead. I guess the unconscious will just have its say, lol.

  12. Hi Azucena. Yes, i'm in blue club at the moment. But even at the best of times i'm just a sucker for Ultramarine in watercolor (and it granulates so nicely too) and Prussian blue in oils.

  13. Thanks, Marialuisa. The 'party' is actually a virtual one on line at Flickr. You'd be most welcome to join it, i'm sure, if youre interested. I would love to see your drawings there.

  14. Heya, Laura. Dan's photo did all the work for me with the light.

    Paulo, moving house?! Exciting and exhausting. Hope you will have a good space for painting. We will all be here to greet you back when youre ready. Ciao.

  15. Wow! absolutely gorgeous. Dan must be very pleased with such a great, intense portrait. I would. :-)
